How to get involved in Church
Are you thinking of coming to church for the first time, or the first time in a long time? You will be very welcome! Find out the answers to common questions you may have.
How will I know what to do when I come to church?
When you arrive at a church service or event, there will be a welcomer or two just inside the door. They will give you a service book and hymn book. Ask them any questions you have about the service and they will be happy to help. If you want advice about where to sit, feel free to ask them.
What should I wear?
Wear whatever you normally wear. Some people wear smart casual when they go to church - but it's totally up to you.
Will I be asked for money?
Attending any church service is completely free. There is no expectation to give money, although we welcome any donation you feel moved to make. If you would like to donate to the church or to a nominated charity at a specific service, such as The Children's Society at the Christingle Service, there is a plate for donations on your way into church. If you would like to do this, you might also like to know that as well as cash, we also have a contactless machine in church.
What if I have accessibility needs?
If you have any access requirements we offer a wheeled access entrance to the right of the main entrance steps. There is step free access to church from Hallgarth.
Guide dogs and Assistance dogs are welcome. Let the welcomers know where you and your dog need to sit in the building.
Guide dogs and Assistance dogs are welcome. Let the welcomers know where you and your dog need to sit in the building.
What if I don't know all the words - how do I follow the service?
During a service, there may be some music and often songs, hymns and words which are a way of worshipping God and praying. The church welcoming team hand out hymn books, pew sheets with the readings on and service booklets with any words used in the service.
The person leading the service will invite you to stand at certain points in the service, if you are able, and say some of the responses written within the service sheets. Join in with as much or as little as you like and if you’re unsure, just follow others’ lead.
Refreshments are offered after the service - this could be a good opportunity to get to know people, but there is no pressure to stay if you prefer not to.
The person leading the service will invite you to stand at certain points in the service, if you are able, and say some of the responses written within the service sheets. Join in with as much or as little as you like and if you’re unsure, just follow others’ lead.
Refreshments are offered after the service - this could be a good opportunity to get to know people, but there is no pressure to stay if you prefer not to.
Are children welcome?
Yes! Most definitely. Children are welcome at all services and events. The timing of the service and the type of service can make a real difference to how easy it feels to bring small children to church, and many Christmas services for example, are particularly family-friendly, such as a Christingle service, crib service or carol service. We have an area at the rear of the church if your child wants to play or needs some space, with books, toys and activities available.
Ways you can get involved with our Church
Although the church is primarily a focus for worship, there are may ways in which you can help do this, from being a regular part of the congregation, to taking a specific role in services and church life or joining a fellowship group. Whatever your 'thing' is, hopefully we can encourage you to explore how you can be more involved.
Although these are led by an ordained Minister, there are a variety of important lay roles which support the delivery of services.
Serving in church
Altar servers assist the Minister in the celebration of the Eucharist. They are responsible for the cross, candles and incense (when it is used) and prepare the altar and wash the Minister's hands. They set up before the service and clear away afterwards.
We have a choir which sings at the 10am sung Eucharist on Sundays and other special days. Have a word with the Organist if you would like more information.
Each Sunday at the Eucharist service we hear three readings from the Bible. Two of these are read by members of the congregation and the Gospel is read by the Minister. Members of the congregation also participate in leading the prayers, and we are always looking for new people to join our band of Readers and Intercessors. Speak to the Churchwardens after the service if you would like to know more.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
The ministry of the distribution of communion in Church and to the sick and housebound is carried out by the Clergy and those who have been given express permission by the Bishop to assist.
Church Flowers
We have a good team of people who come together to decorate the church for the great festivals of the year. We put notices on the weekly pew sheet if we need help with something special. If you would like to donate some money for altar flowers to commemorate a loved one, or for some other occasion, please contact Valerie Batchelor 01751 475295, email [email protected]
Sanctuary Guild
Members of the Sanctuary Guild work hard every Friday morning to maintain the pristine condition of the silver, brass and altar linen as well as polishing the wood panelling and furniture. If you are interested in joining the Guild, which operates on a rota basis, please contact Valerie Batchelor on 01751 475295, email [email protected].
Bell Ringing
We have a fine collection of eight bells and a good band of ringers who ring for the weekly Sung Eucharist, at weddings and other special occasions. Practice is Wednesday evening and all are welcome, whatever their previous experience. For more information please contact Pam Robb on 01751 475814.
Church Bookstall
The church bookstall has been running for over forty years and offers all sorts of religious literature and items. There are also cards, postcards and guide books. Do pop in and browse what is available; money for purchases can be posted through the wall safe near the bookstall. There is a website page, in the 'Notices' tab, dedicated to the bookstall, where Mary and Jo will be writing about the books they are currently stocking.
Parish Pilgrimages
Each year the parish makes a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in north Norfolk. We have also had pilgrimages to the Friary of St Francis at Alnmouth, and enjoy trips to other sites of interest including Durham Cathedral.
Parochial Church Council (PCC)
Each parish is governed by a Parochial Church Council, a body of elected lay representatives with Clergy, who make decisions on behalf of the whole parish, particularly, but not exclusively relating to the finances and fabric of the Parish and its buildings. Elections occur annually; to vote in an election you must be a member of the Electoral Roll.
Monday Morning Coffee
Coffee, tea, cakes and scones are available in church every Monday 10am until noon, this year running until December, to coincide with the town's weekly market. All tea and coffee served in church is Fair Trade.
Craft Hub
Bring your own craft along to our Craft Hub which meets in Church from January to Easter, when the Monday Coffee morning finishes for winter.
Mothers' Union
The Pickering Branch of the Mothers' Union meets each month to hear speakers, visit places of Interest and take part in services. Although busy locally, the Mothers' Union are part of an organisation of four million women and men in eighty three countries, showing Christian concern for families, and working with people of all faiths and none. For more information about the Pickering Branch, contact Hazel Page on 01751 476915.
Fundraising and Social Committee
Members of the Fundraising and Social Committee organise several events during the year and provide refreshments for special services and events. For more information about these events, which often require help from several people, watch out for notices on the weekly pew sheet, boards at the back of church and on the Activities events tab.
Open the Book
Open the Book is an initiative run by Pickering and District Churches Together, which sees members of the various denominations go into the schools in the Parish to re-tell stories from the Bible using drama, costume and often young volunteers from the audience too. If you would like to be involved in the Open the Book initiative, please speak to one of the Clergy.
Children's Society
We regularly support the work of the Children's Society by collections in boxes and at the annual Christingle Service. If you are interested in being a 'box holder' and collecting for the Society, speak to one of the Clergy or come along to the Christingle Service. Gail Radka is our contact with The Children's Society.
Food Bank
We are proud to support the work of the local food bank; a box is available at the back of the church should you wish to donate food to help people and families in crisis.
Deanery Synod
This group meet approximately three times during the year to receive reports from the Diocesan and General Synods, and consider Deanery-wide matters. Each church within the Pickering benefice is entitled to supply a number of lay representatives to the Synod.
Pickering and District Churches Together
Members of five denominations in Pickering meet together regularly to plan inter-denominational activities, such as fellowship, pilgrimage, study and discussion. For upcoming activities please see the weekly pew sheet.
Although these are led by an ordained Minister, there are a variety of important lay roles which support the delivery of services.
Serving in church
Altar servers assist the Minister in the celebration of the Eucharist. They are responsible for the cross, candles and incense (when it is used) and prepare the altar and wash the Minister's hands. They set up before the service and clear away afterwards.
We have a choir which sings at the 10am sung Eucharist on Sundays and other special days. Have a word with the Organist if you would like more information.
Each Sunday at the Eucharist service we hear three readings from the Bible. Two of these are read by members of the congregation and the Gospel is read by the Minister. Members of the congregation also participate in leading the prayers, and we are always looking for new people to join our band of Readers and Intercessors. Speak to the Churchwardens after the service if you would like to know more.
Extraordinary Ministers of Communion
The ministry of the distribution of communion in Church and to the sick and housebound is carried out by the Clergy and those who have been given express permission by the Bishop to assist.
Church Flowers
We have a good team of people who come together to decorate the church for the great festivals of the year. We put notices on the weekly pew sheet if we need help with something special. If you would like to donate some money for altar flowers to commemorate a loved one, or for some other occasion, please contact Valerie Batchelor 01751 475295, email [email protected]
Sanctuary Guild
Members of the Sanctuary Guild work hard every Friday morning to maintain the pristine condition of the silver, brass and altar linen as well as polishing the wood panelling and furniture. If you are interested in joining the Guild, which operates on a rota basis, please contact Valerie Batchelor on 01751 475295, email [email protected].
Bell Ringing
We have a fine collection of eight bells and a good band of ringers who ring for the weekly Sung Eucharist, at weddings and other special occasions. Practice is Wednesday evening and all are welcome, whatever their previous experience. For more information please contact Pam Robb on 01751 475814.
Church Bookstall
The church bookstall has been running for over forty years and offers all sorts of religious literature and items. There are also cards, postcards and guide books. Do pop in and browse what is available; money for purchases can be posted through the wall safe near the bookstall. There is a website page, in the 'Notices' tab, dedicated to the bookstall, where Mary and Jo will be writing about the books they are currently stocking.
Parish Pilgrimages
Each year the parish makes a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham in north Norfolk. We have also had pilgrimages to the Friary of St Francis at Alnmouth, and enjoy trips to other sites of interest including Durham Cathedral.
Parochial Church Council (PCC)
Each parish is governed by a Parochial Church Council, a body of elected lay representatives with Clergy, who make decisions on behalf of the whole parish, particularly, but not exclusively relating to the finances and fabric of the Parish and its buildings. Elections occur annually; to vote in an election you must be a member of the Electoral Roll.
Monday Morning Coffee
Coffee, tea, cakes and scones are available in church every Monday 10am until noon, this year running until December, to coincide with the town's weekly market. All tea and coffee served in church is Fair Trade.
Craft Hub
Bring your own craft along to our Craft Hub which meets in Church from January to Easter, when the Monday Coffee morning finishes for winter.
Mothers' Union
The Pickering Branch of the Mothers' Union meets each month to hear speakers, visit places of Interest and take part in services. Although busy locally, the Mothers' Union are part of an organisation of four million women and men in eighty three countries, showing Christian concern for families, and working with people of all faiths and none. For more information about the Pickering Branch, contact Hazel Page on 01751 476915.
Fundraising and Social Committee
Members of the Fundraising and Social Committee organise several events during the year and provide refreshments for special services and events. For more information about these events, which often require help from several people, watch out for notices on the weekly pew sheet, boards at the back of church and on the Activities events tab.
Open the Book
Open the Book is an initiative run by Pickering and District Churches Together, which sees members of the various denominations go into the schools in the Parish to re-tell stories from the Bible using drama, costume and often young volunteers from the audience too. If you would like to be involved in the Open the Book initiative, please speak to one of the Clergy.
Children's Society
We regularly support the work of the Children's Society by collections in boxes and at the annual Christingle Service. If you are interested in being a 'box holder' and collecting for the Society, speak to one of the Clergy or come along to the Christingle Service. Gail Radka is our contact with The Children's Society.
Food Bank
We are proud to support the work of the local food bank; a box is available at the back of the church should you wish to donate food to help people and families in crisis.
Deanery Synod
This group meet approximately three times during the year to receive reports from the Diocesan and General Synods, and consider Deanery-wide matters. Each church within the Pickering benefice is entitled to supply a number of lay representatives to the Synod.
Pickering and District Churches Together
Members of five denominations in Pickering meet together regularly to plan inter-denominational activities, such as fellowship, pilgrimage, study and discussion. For upcoming activities please see the weekly pew sheet.