Notices and Information
The church is open from 9am until 5pm each day.
Notices for this week
Monday Coffee Morning
10.00 am until 12 noon each Monday in church, Tea/Coffee and delicious home-made cake and scones. Great company!
All welcome
PCC Meeting Tuesday, 10th September at 7.30 pm in church
SingalongaBob will be taking you on another trip down memory lane on Wednesday, 11th September, from 2 – 3.30pm in church
Little Fishes meet as usual in church on Thursday, 12th September from 10 – 11 am
Victoria Wright concerts start again in church on Thursday, 12th September, 12 noon – 1 pm
Bible and Banter recommences on Wednesday, 25th September
Mothers’ Union will be meeting in church on Thursday, 26th September at 2.15pm
Harvest Supper
Join us for our Harvest Supper on Saturday, 5th October. Tickets £10 on sale now. Please see posters for full details
100 Club The winner of the draw for August is Margaret Moore (No.45)
Quiet days - the essence of being human A series of 3, connected but stand alone quiet days at High Dalby House exploring: On Sept 14th the theme of being a nomad, on October 12th on being a wayfarer and on Nov 9th of being a pilgrim. Days will run from 10:00am until 15:30 offering opportunity for worship, exploring scriptures, individual reflection and will be facilitated by Rev Sheena Moray and Revd Dr Linda Robinson. The cost of each day will be £25 pp including lunch and refreshments through the day. Details from Rev Ian Robinson Email: [email protected] Tel: 01751460001
“Save a life” training
It’s a year since St Joseph’s held successful training in CPR and Defibrillator use for their Parish and Churches Together. A refresher is normally recommended annually and we’re trying something a little different this year by referring those interested to the British Heart Foundation free CPR/Defibrillator training at: . It’s a 15-minute course which is easy to use, and we would appreciate feedback if you try it out. More general first aid guidance is available on-line from St John’s Ambulance (, which may also be of interest to some.
Altar Flowers - If you would like to give flowers for the High Altar please sign the list at the back of Church. Thank you.
Donations seem to be really low at the moment - If you are able to donate the food we need at Pickering Food Bank is:
Tinned soup, Chopped tomatoes, Tinned custard, Steamed puddings, Tinned fruit, Jam, Pasta sauce, Tinned meats (corned beef and ham etc), Longlife fruit juice, Toilet rolls, Coffee, Teabags, Hot chocolate, Porridge, Biscuits, Chocolate,
Thank you
10.00 am until 12 noon each Monday in church, Tea/Coffee and delicious home-made cake and scones. Great company!
All welcome
PCC Meeting Tuesday, 10th September at 7.30 pm in church
SingalongaBob will be taking you on another trip down memory lane on Wednesday, 11th September, from 2 – 3.30pm in church
Little Fishes meet as usual in church on Thursday, 12th September from 10 – 11 am
Victoria Wright concerts start again in church on Thursday, 12th September, 12 noon – 1 pm
Bible and Banter recommences on Wednesday, 25th September
Mothers’ Union will be meeting in church on Thursday, 26th September at 2.15pm
Harvest Supper
Join us for our Harvest Supper on Saturday, 5th October. Tickets £10 on sale now. Please see posters for full details
100 Club The winner of the draw for August is Margaret Moore (No.45)
Quiet days - the essence of being human A series of 3, connected but stand alone quiet days at High Dalby House exploring: On Sept 14th the theme of being a nomad, on October 12th on being a wayfarer and on Nov 9th of being a pilgrim. Days will run from 10:00am until 15:30 offering opportunity for worship, exploring scriptures, individual reflection and will be facilitated by Rev Sheena Moray and Revd Dr Linda Robinson. The cost of each day will be £25 pp including lunch and refreshments through the day. Details from Rev Ian Robinson Email: [email protected] Tel: 01751460001
“Save a life” training
It’s a year since St Joseph’s held successful training in CPR and Defibrillator use for their Parish and Churches Together. A refresher is normally recommended annually and we’re trying something a little different this year by referring those interested to the British Heart Foundation free CPR/Defibrillator training at: . It’s a 15-minute course which is easy to use, and we would appreciate feedback if you try it out. More general first aid guidance is available on-line from St John’s Ambulance (, which may also be of interest to some.
Altar Flowers - If you would like to give flowers for the High Altar please sign the list at the back of Church. Thank you.
Donations seem to be really low at the moment - If you are able to donate the food we need at Pickering Food Bank is:
Tinned soup, Chopped tomatoes, Tinned custard, Steamed puddings, Tinned fruit, Jam, Pasta sauce, Tinned meats (corned beef and ham etc), Longlife fruit juice, Toilet rolls, Coffee, Teabags, Hot chocolate, Porridge, Biscuits, Chocolate,
Thank you
SingalongaBob dates
Second Wednesday in the month from 2-3.30 pm. Come along and join in a good sing-song! Sept 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11
Postage Stamps If you have any old or used postage stamps, please give them to Pam Ciceri who is collecting them for RNIB
Minster Passes
Parishioners from across the Diocese of York are welcome to visit York Minster free of charge. If you, or members of your family, would like to visit the Minster in 2024 York Minster’s Parish Passes can be obtained from Rev'd Gareth, Pam Robb or Lesley Jaram. Parts of the Minster are closed from time to time, so it is recommended that visitors check the calendar on the Minster website or call them prior to visiting in case there are any restrictions.
Pickering Food Share.
This amazing initiative stops tonnes (literally) of food going to waste every year.
New opening hours: Open every Wednesday from 12.30pm for coffee, tea and biscuits. Food available from 1-3pm.
Location: Ings Garth Community Centre, Pickering
How you can support:
Thank you for your ongoing support. Demand for food parcels has dramatically increased in the past few weeks and a list of things needed is attached to our green collection box either in the porch or at the back of the church and is also on the noticeboard.
Items in short supply are:
Soup (all flavours please particularly vegetable) tinned fruit, custard, tinned rice pudding, sponge puddings, tinned potatoes and tinned veg, tinned corned beef and ham, jars of pasta sauce, longlife milk, toilet rolls and biscuits. Any donations are gratefully received
Altar Flowers
The flowers on the High Altar in the Sanctuary may be given by members of the congregation. If you would like to give flowers, perhaps in memory, celebration or thanksgiving please sign against a date on the list which is at the back of Church. Thank you. Valerie Batchelor 01751 475295.
Ryedale Talking Magazine …
… is a free monthly audio magazine for those who are unable to see the printed word. It is recorded monthly and sent out by freepost. The magazine consists of items on a range of interesting topics / stories read by volunteers. If you know of anyone who would be interested in having the magazine or of anyone who would like to volunteer to read for it please contact Val on 01751 476499.
If you use the one-off gift aid envelopes each Sunday or do not use the FWO envelopes currently and would like to transfer to them, please let me or the Churchwardens know and I will issue a personally numbered set in your name. There is no commitment with regards to the amount or frequency of your donations and they are confidential. Andrew [email protected]
Volunteers needed, please :-
Weebly/Square Website
Are you a parishioner who is familiar with website building platform, 'Weebly'? It would be good to have a standby person who can update the site in case of emergencies, who knows Weebly. If this is you, please contact Cait, [email protected]
Gail Radka is our Parish Safeguarding Officer. The official email is [email protected]
Please send any notices for next week’s pew sheet to Valerie Batchelor (475295, email: [email protected]), or Hazel Page (476915, email: [email protected]) By Wednesday
Second Wednesday in the month from 2-3.30 pm. Come along and join in a good sing-song! Sept 11, Oct 9, Nov 13, Dec 11
Postage Stamps If you have any old or used postage stamps, please give them to Pam Ciceri who is collecting them for RNIB
Minster Passes
Parishioners from across the Diocese of York are welcome to visit York Minster free of charge. If you, or members of your family, would like to visit the Minster in 2024 York Minster’s Parish Passes can be obtained from Rev'd Gareth, Pam Robb or Lesley Jaram. Parts of the Minster are closed from time to time, so it is recommended that visitors check the calendar on the Minster website or call them prior to visiting in case there are any restrictions.
Pickering Food Share.
This amazing initiative stops tonnes (literally) of food going to waste every year.
New opening hours: Open every Wednesday from 12.30pm for coffee, tea and biscuits. Food available from 1-3pm.
Location: Ings Garth Community Centre, Pickering
How you can support:
- pop down and take away free food! Anyone is eligible, the idea is purely to stop food being thrown away. You are welcome to make a small donation if you wish.
- bring down food you have no use for. If you grow your own fruit and veg, this is a great outlet for your surplus.
- become a volunteer. The team is always looking for extra pairs of hands for setting up and serving food. They are also looking for volunteer cooks to help prepare simple meals from surplus food for a few people in the area who have disabilities or cannot leave their homes
- spread the word about all of the above!
Thank you for your ongoing support. Demand for food parcels has dramatically increased in the past few weeks and a list of things needed is attached to our green collection box either in the porch or at the back of the church and is also on the noticeboard.
Items in short supply are:
Soup (all flavours please particularly vegetable) tinned fruit, custard, tinned rice pudding, sponge puddings, tinned potatoes and tinned veg, tinned corned beef and ham, jars of pasta sauce, longlife milk, toilet rolls and biscuits. Any donations are gratefully received
Altar Flowers
The flowers on the High Altar in the Sanctuary may be given by members of the congregation. If you would like to give flowers, perhaps in memory, celebration or thanksgiving please sign against a date on the list which is at the back of Church. Thank you. Valerie Batchelor 01751 475295.
Ryedale Talking Magazine …
… is a free monthly audio magazine for those who are unable to see the printed word. It is recorded monthly and sent out by freepost. The magazine consists of items on a range of interesting topics / stories read by volunteers. If you know of anyone who would be interested in having the magazine or of anyone who would like to volunteer to read for it please contact Val on 01751 476499.
If you use the one-off gift aid envelopes each Sunday or do not use the FWO envelopes currently and would like to transfer to them, please let me or the Churchwardens know and I will issue a personally numbered set in your name. There is no commitment with regards to the amount or frequency of your donations and they are confidential. Andrew [email protected]
Volunteers needed, please :-
- To join the Sanctuary Guild. Members work in teams on a rota basis to maintain the beauty of the Sanctuary and look after the brass, altar silver and linen. If you feel able to join them please contact Valerie Batchelor 01751 475295. Thank you. NB Men welcome too!
- To open and lock up the building on a rota basis, please? The unlocking would be at 9am and the locking up at 5pm to 5.30pm in summer and 4pm in winter. If it is something you could do, please contact Pam Robb.
[email protected]
Weebly/Square Website
Are you a parishioner who is familiar with website building platform, 'Weebly'? It would be good to have a standby person who can update the site in case of emergencies, who knows Weebly. If this is you, please contact Cait, [email protected]
Gail Radka is our Parish Safeguarding Officer. The official email is [email protected]
Please send any notices for next week’s pew sheet to Valerie Batchelor (475295, email: [email protected]), or Hazel Page (476915, email: [email protected]) By Wednesday
Wishing happy birthday to anyone who is celebrating this week
We have a link to local online services on the 'Zoom Activities' page. Please also have a look at which includes weekly streamed and daily audio services. There is additional worship on the BBC
Phone Line Daily Hope offers hymns, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a (free) telephone line. The line is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 Please pass this number on to anyone you know, especially those who do not have access to a computer and would like to listen to favourite hymns and prayers.
Our church website and the Facebook page are regularly updated with links to messages from our Archbishops and to other worship and prayer opportunities.
Phone Line Daily Hope offers hymns, prayers and reflections as well as full worship services from the Church of England at the end of a (free) telephone line. The line is available 24 hours a day on 0800 804 8044 Please pass this number on to anyone you know, especially those who do not have access to a computer and would like to listen to favourite hymns and prayers.
Our church website and the Facebook page are regularly updated with links to messages from our Archbishops and to other worship and prayer opportunities.
If you, or someone you know, requires an emergency food supply, please contact your regular Referral Agency, or call 07922 421326, Monday to Friday between 9.00am and 5.00pm.
For assistance at the weekend please call: NYCC on 01609 780780
Contact 07922421326 if you wish to donate food.
This is a fabulously easy way for our supporters to raise funds at absolutely no cost to themselves. Simply by clicking on this link, Anything you purchase through their pages gives us a percentage profit without any additional cost to you. So if you shop at any online retailers, it is well worth looking to see if they are covered by a Easyfundraising before you place your order.
Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S. Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Pickering Parish Church every time, it’s that easy!
Use easyfundraising to shop with over 3,300 retailers including Amazon, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS,, eBay, Boden, and M&S. Every time you shop, you’ll raise a free donation for Pickering Parish Church every time, it’s that easy!